Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 1.03.2014

Yıl: 2014

Araştırma Yazıları


1. The relationship between serum lipid levels, high blood pressure and obesity in children


2. Yttrium-90 radioembolization for the treatment of unresectable liver cancer: Results of a single center


3. Increased mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetes mellitus


6. Clopidogrel responsiveness in chronic kidney disease patients with acute coronary syndrome


7. The relationship between idiopathic chest pain, Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in school children and adolescents


11. The parameters affecting accuracy of e ultrasonographic diagnosis in dermoid cysts


13. Clinical and demographic characteristics of 165 patients with lichen planus


14. Evaluation of intraocular pressure and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with Helicobacter pylori


15. Regional distribution of bone metastases in skeletal system

Araştırma Makalesi

16. Kolon polipli hastalarda hastalığın patogenezinde adenozin deaminaz, ksantin oksidaz, ürik asit ve nitrik oksit metabolizması


17. Our experiences on retrograde intrarenal surgery


19. Transrektal prostat iğne biyopsisi sonrası gelişen üriner sistem infeksiyonları deneyimlerimiz


20. The evaluation of forensic cases reported due to food poisoning


21. The investigation of complete blood counting parameters in deep venous thrombosis


23. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of exenatide-given patients in endocrinology clinic of a university hospital


25. The effects of anemia in pregnancy on the mode of delivery and newborn


27. Our initial experience with percutaneous nephrolithotomy in children


28. Clinical and paraclinical features in children with febrile seizures


29. Mean trombosit volume as a diagnostic indicator in hydatid disease


33. The problems during choice of profession and comparison of these problems with anxiety and depression in final year of high school students


34. The effect of anesthesia type on the postoperative complications of major lower extremity surgery


35. Foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract


36. Our results of surgical treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures in children


37. Flexible endoscopic procedure in children with foreign bodies in their upper gastrointestinal system

Olgu Sunumları


1. Paraplegia due to missed thoracic meningioma after lumbar spinal decompression surgery: A case report and review of the literature


2. Skrotal mezenterik kist olgusu


3. Delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning


4. Spinal tümörü taklit eden servikal intradural intramedüller apse: Nadir bir olgu


5. Anesthesia experience along with familial Mediterranean fever and celiac disease


6. Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix: A case report


7. Persistent ectopic pregnancy after milking procedure: Case report


8. Bilateral simultaneous mallet finger: An unusual case



1. Neurourological complications in patients with myelodisplasia


2. Methods for age estimation


3. The studies about diseases concerning with contemplated MTHFR 677 C>T polymorphism